
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

here are 19 thoughts/observations/ things I learned at training camp: 


  1. porta potty’s are GROSS
  2. 5 am ice cold bucket showers are surprisingly refreshing 
  3. crickets kinda taste like sunflower seeds
  4. choreographing a dance for 40 ish people in a day is HARD
  5. miraculous healings DO HAPPEN (thank you Jesus) 
  6. worshipping with 200+ other people who are insanely on fire for the Lord is just about the best atmosphere you could ever imagine 
  7. when you live outside for 10 days and your stuff gets wet… it just kinda stays wet
  8. WE CAN DO HARD THINGS (aka the fitness hike) 
  9. Jesus is always present even when you don’t feel Him ( and you’re not always gonna) 
  10. the gospel is UNCOMFORTABLE (thank you Madison) 
  11. approximately NO ONE who lives up north knows what zaxbys is :((( 
  12. hydrate or die ( no explanation needed) 
  13. the enemy prowls around LIKE A LION but he IS NOT A LION and can never be a lion because there is only one lion and it’s JESUS (shoutout team YES & read 1 peter 5:6-11) 
  14. sabbath is NECESSARY 
  15. feedback is weird but super helpful 
  17. star tipping is a game changer (shoutout hannah<33) 
  18. and finally leaving 40ish of the best people i’ve ever met (even if it’s only for 7 weeks) sucks. 
  19. one more actually, transitioning back home is hard but Jesus is everywhere i turn and He’s so sweet and has so much grace through this season. 


I know that some of those may be confusing but trying to put campinto words has been so hard for me. I want to tell you all every little detail but I don’t even know where to start. these are all my little & big thoughts from camp but if you have any specific question or want more details about anything on this list please let me know because I will write a thousand more blogs about camp if you want, I just need a place to start. I will be doing a blog talking about my team and my squad because they deserve to be talked about and bragged on!! but until then please enjoy these messy thoughts and keep us in your prayers because we are Africa bound in 7 WEEKS!!!!!!! love you guys <33 


– mags 

6 responses to “long story short: training camp”

  1. I laughed, smiled, nodded and even cried a little reading this. This is tooooooo good.

  2. I love this, Mags! Your obedience has me in awe! I love you and your passion and your heart for people but most of all your heart for Jesus. You are indeed a worldchanger! I love you! Anything you say plus one times infinity! ????

  3. This is a great list…and a great place to start a conversation. Your testimonies are powerful! You will be in Africa before you know it. Looking forward to seeing all that God has in store for you…see you at your first debrief.