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Thoughts & Inspiration

Im like really pumped to tell you guys about what the Lord has been teaching me!! I wanted to start with creation because that was the first thing the Lord walked me through in Swaziland. So stick with me while I try to navigate you through my thoughts and how I learn! 

At the end of our first week in Swaziland, Jesus asked me to call Him creator in my quiet time one morning. I thought it was super weird at first because like who actually calls Jesus “creator“ like when they pray or anything. Anyway, I was like okay cool this will be weird and new, and He asked to do this for 2 weeks. If I’m being real honest, I did not dig in at all the first few days as to why He asked me to call Him that. I would write in my journal like “ thank you for creating me in your image“ but I didn’t know the full extent of what that actually meant until He actually brought me in front of creation itself. 

About 5 days after this 2 weeks period began, during one of our devos we were told to go outside and just be with God’s creation (side note: we are surrounded by the most beautiful mountains where we live) and I was like OKAY JESUS I SEE YOU. When we went out we were given some scripture to read. So as I was starring  at the beautiful mountains I read Psalm 148:3-5 Praise Him, sun and moon, praise Him, all you shining stars! Praise Him, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens! Let them praise the name of the Lord! For He commanded and they were created. That morning Jesus really shook me, like He created EVERYTHING around me and therefore even the MOUNTAINS praise Him. Like WHAT?? I was created by the same God who even the MOUNTAINS worship, that’s just crazy and really cool to me. Also that morning I read through Isiah 55 which talks about how the Lords thoughts are just infinitely bigger than I could ever possibly begin to imagine and in my journal I wrote that and then said “so just imagine CREATION??? The lord is infinitely big and infinitely MORE then we could ever begin to understand. Yet, He still chose me and He still loves me. In the midst of His beautiful creation he still tells me that he loves me the most”. Oh wow. If that isn’t something to celebrate I don’t know what is. JESUS LOVES US MORE THAN EVEN THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HORIZON YOU’VE EVER SEEN!! 

If that’s not enough I’ve got some more for ya! One night after that but still during this two week period I was standing by myself worshipping with my headphones in under the stars. Let me tell you guys the Swaziland stars… unreal. Also, backstory I LOVE stars like absolutely LOVE. Anyway I’m worshipping and just admiring the sky and the stars that Jesus created and I just heard the Lord say to me“ you love the stars so much and you think they are SO beautiful. But just think about how much more time I took to create you than all the stars up there and how much MORE i love you than even the whole sky” then get this. The power goes out and you can literally see the ENTIRE MILKY WAY. Isn’t God cool like that?? If I didn’t already think the stars were so beautiful and He didnt just tell me I was even more beautiful than all the stars then He makes them look EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL?!?! 

But wait! There’s more! On the last day of that two week period I got up at 5 am to see the sunrise. Let me tell you, I saw the most gorgeous pink clouds I’ve ever seen. I mean Jesus literally painted the sky for me that morning (check out my last instagram post for the picture!) . It could not have been a more perfect way to round out this time of Him teaching me about creation and about how much more intimately He created me than even the whole freaking sky. So yeah all of that to say we have literally been created by the creator of the universe himself. We are loved more than all the stars in the sky and more beautiful than even the most beautiful sunrise you can think of. I’m gonna rest in that for a bit, you should too.


– Mags

13 responses to “created by the creator himself”

  1. Wow! Isn’t it amazing how we spend our whole life looking up at the stars thinking how beautiful they are, and yet with just a few words, God can change everything, put things in perspective, and rock our world! Life changing revelation!

  2. Mags, I am blown away by how your words draw an incredible picture in my mind. God is blessing you like only He can. I love you and watching you grow and dive deeper into what our Father has planned for you is beautiful. Dig deep on your hard days and remember who you are and whose you are! ????Psalm 16:8
    Love you babygirl

  3. I love your enthusiasm…and I bet God loves revealing new things to you too. Thanks for sharing!

  4. So happy to see you learning and growing closer to him! Some of the most powerful times are when we allow quite time into our lives. It gives us that time to reflect and be with the him! Love you

  5. Amen! Thank you for sharing your heart. Tonight I I will make a point to slow down, look at the stars and pray to our Creator for you and your team.

  6. You are more beautiful than any star or sunrise! I am so grateful that God is using you to be a shining part of other’s lives. Love you!

  7. It’s so so good to rest in Him. Nothing else like it! I’m praying for you, Maggie! 🙂